Chris Burt
If I could help or inspire someone to not give up or not give in to desperation because of hearing loss, that would make my loss worthwhile. I think people often wonder what their purpose in life is, with mine always being a leader and motivating others to be the best they can be. I would like to motivate people who have been faced with my condition and make that my purpose in life.
Inspiring Others
“I’m honored to share my story because I know people who have gone through sudden hearing loss may feel alone. If my story can reach one person and somewhat comfort them and let them know they’re not alone, it would be worth it.”
“On February 7, 2015, I noticed that my ear was feeling full, and I was getting a little dizzy. Within three hours, my wife took me to the emergency room because my hearing in my left ear was completely gone. I was experiencing vertigo, and my ears were ringing horribly. For the next three months I saw numerous doctors, where countless therapy options didn’t restore my hearing.”
How Hearing Loss Affected Chris
“It happened so fast that it felt like my world got pulled from underneath me. I couldn’t hear what people were saying whenever I was in a group, and restaurants were overwhelming with my ears being flooded with noise.”
Chris recalls feeling very frustrated and depressed with his hearing loss, and how difficult it was to hear doctors in the operating room. However, he found a solution.
“I was starting to withdraw myself from my friends and family, but my CROS hearing aids have helped me come out of my shell.”
Why Chris Burt Is a HearStrong Champion
Chris Burt states that being named a HearStrong Champion would mean more to him than any award or experience that he’s had in his life.